Erik‘s has very big cocks
Hey do you know this Guy, Erik
by Euwlksndk April 4, 2022
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Big ass boy with some pepperoni nippels
Also trash at Fortnite
Small penis too
Girl:Erik u gay and trash at fornite
Erik: ”cries

Dont be a Erik
by Lik tim February 2, 2022
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A guy who (along with his brother Lyle) committed homicide on his parents as a result of chronic sexual abuse and was defending for his life. Although it is tempting to label it as manslaughter, the planning was 100% deliberate and thus a first-degree homicide.

Has somehow managed to become the idol of every TikTok zoomer as of lately.
Boomers: Fuck Erik Menendez, filthy scumbag who killed his own parents!!!

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Josh: Hey OCM~ why are you sweating so much? (Josh wiped the sweat off of Erik's face with his index finger) Erik: Me, sweating, hah! I'm not sweating am I? Is it getting a little hot in here? (Erik tugged gently onto his shirt, grinding his teeth, blushing deeply as Josh gently caressed Erik's face with his hand.) Josh: Yeah, you're sweating a lot, how about you take off your shirt?~ (Josh winked at Erik, Erik blushing furiously at his request.) Erik: W-what are you talking about!? (he mumbled, not believing his own ears that he just heard Josh telling him to take his shirt off.) Josh: Stop acting stupid, silly.~ Take your shirt off..~ (Josh got up from his barstool, getting close to Erik, looking him dead in the eyes, holding him by the collar of his shirt as he repeated his sentence, looking at Erik with lustful eyes.) Santiago: Fags. (he muttered, serving the beer that Erik ordered for Josh, placing it down in front of them.) Erik: Hey man, what's your problem!?
Person 1: What is that you are reading on your phone?
Person 2: I'm just reading an Erik x Josh fanfiction.
Person 1: Eww, wtf!
by Real239! September 27, 2022
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CEO of Tinder, very very sexy man from New Jersey
Wow is that Erik Navarro? He’s the guy from Tinder!
by rieucividie April 22, 2020
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