When you surprise anal some one, and they projectile shit all over you
Sorry love, that's called a Norwegian backdraft
by Illkhemist July 3, 2021
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Et lite sted/Et lite hus.
Kryppin (Norwegian): Jeg eier bare et lite hus.
by whoopwhooop April 13, 2011
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When having sexual intersperse with a girl and squirts an at upwards trajectory and it comes down on you like rain.
Dude I fucked her last Wednesday and she pulled an accidental Norwegian Storm!
by moon237 October 28, 2021
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When Kari and Natalya catch up, as a therapeutic exercise they bake a cake and catch up on gossip and ol' times while drinking wine and lemoncello. They often include special ingredients such as the Norwegian mud slide depending on seasonal availability.
Kari: Hey Nat! Want to come over?
Natalya: Yeah, lets bake a Norwegian Cake!
by Peteyg2012 January 10, 2012
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Milk Norwegian is a word used to describe patriots of the nordic lands. A milk Norwegian person is a person that likes to go skiing and bicycling. Milk Norwegian people usually drink milk and eat a lot of kvikk lunsj. They dont wear designer clothing or listen to modern music. They will do anything to defend their country. Most of milk Norwegians are of the arian race, but it is possible to be black and milk Norwegian
Mathias: Did you see Magnus's mystory?
Frank: Yeah he posted a picture of him going skiing.
Mathias: yup, he is such a milk Norwegian person.
by Neeguslover June 1, 2018
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Milk Norwegian (MelkeNorsk) is used to describe a Norwegian patriot.
A Milk Norwegian person do not wear Merch/Designer clothes, and loves Norway.
MilkNorwegian loves old music, skiing, football and go hiking in the mountains.
A MilkNorwegian person dislikes Rap/Trap/Alternative (Modern music).
Milk Norwegian person: I love skiing.
Milk Norwegian person: I hate Rap-Music
Milk Norwegian person: Why are you always wearing Merch/Designer clothes?
by Yhajkb755 June 11, 2018
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