Bracelets made of beads or shells worn by men that look girlie.
Hey Bro, check out these awesome new panty bracelets I got from H&M.
by Pook Nukem February 3, 2011
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A bracelet made by obtaining the round blue seal from the top of soda caps, Cutting out the middle, and then stretching them out into a bracelet.
These are said to be 'Make-out' bracelets, and when someone brakes one of of you, you make out with them.
Person A: You broke my Soda Seal Bracelet!
Person B: Oops! Lets go make out!
Person A: Okay!

by Wisp_13 September 20, 2004
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to meditate on something (sometimes with friends) for hours until you finally see god. substances may be required?

I'm bored, lets go pull a slap bracelet on that fan.
by the aleph May 23, 2006
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Also known As: Soda Seal Bracelets, fuck-me bracelets, and jelly bracelets

a kiss me bracelet is a bracelet made from the plastic lining from the inside of a bottle cap. if someone breaks it then you either kiss them or make out with them.

if you refer to them as fuck me bracelets then you have sex with the person that broke it.

though jelly bracelets are different they have the same concept.
Guy: Can i break one of your kiss me bracelets?
Girl: sure, i wouldnt mind making out with you.
by kissmegirl May 8, 2007
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where i come from... green=green, black=black, pink=pink, etc. with the exceptions of the bracelets that so obviously say in bold lettering: "If you break me you must sex the previous owner" those are the doozies.
omg i accidentally broke my black bracelet this morning guess what i did with myself (bought some more?)
by Sexy bracelet whore November 22, 2004
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also known as fuck-me bracelets

When the top of a soda bottle cap's blue seal is taken out. Then the middle is removed, and the bracelet is stretched to fit around one's wrist.

If you're wearing one and someone rips it off, it means you have to do the dirty with them.
I don't wear soda seal bracelets, they'd make me look like a skank.
by imaprettycoolbrunette January 30, 2005
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A six pack of beer (probably PBR) hanging from your wrist by the open ring left by the one in your hand.
My neighbor and I took the kids trick-or-treating, but not before we put on our redneck charm bracelets; in case we got thirsty.
by sheepdog4life October 31, 2016
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