Where you use your entire hand to partake in your favorite recreational activity. Two for the nose....two for the gums
I just got my nails did....they are perfect for the coke shocker now.
by Baby Birdd April 24, 2017
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The act of giving a woman the shocker during sex while having un maintained fingernails, resulting in a torn orifice ( usually the rectum )
We had been camping all week and I gave this hippy chick the shocker in the woods, my fingernails were pretty long and it ended up being a Lithuanian Shocker!
by RobotScientist June 27, 2022
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When everything that happens to you in day to day life is an absolute shocker.
'You've had an absolute shocker' There for the the term permanant shocker or (perma shock)
by Luke Manley December 8, 2015
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Two in the pink and one in the stink
Aka two fingers in a vagina and your pinky in her butt
"You can do it in the bathroom or do it in your car
Or do it in the alley right behind the bar
Two in the pink and one in the stink
That's called the shocker, yeah"
-Steel Panther
by Strxbxrry007 November 5, 2021
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When a girl stickes her fingers up a guys bum hole
Coffee likes it when he gets the Walker shocker
by Windham maine December 4, 2015
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