One who has a special ability (but doesn't think so) to hack codes and collect confidential information.
One that can do acceptionally anything with codes and computers.
Very intelligent people who can probably exceed in skills such as Mathematics,Art,And technology.

Most hackers are lonely (have no friends) some hack for fun some hack to get revenge.
WHOAH dude look at this awesome hack that I made!(is talking to computer)
Aww I forgot to put in the dang graphics.
I think I'll call this one the Gibson File.(hacker)
by 73ThunderBird March 17, 2015
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Hacker, is an person or bot that downloads to others peoples computer/phones/tablets viruses. Or they just log in into their account/user. Can also be finding a person and their location, name, age etc.
"Amy, are you an Hacker?"
"No! Are you?"
"I'am not."
"Good. Hackers are bad."
"They truly are Stacy"
by You Only Live Once. October 27, 2019
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Someone that can hack anything that's electronic. Has a special gift of staying up all night long hacking into email addresses and putting fake shit in your email address. Can fake emails, fake tests, you name it he can fake it.
Hacker is another word for a tweaker that's nuts.
by RomanHi5 September 3, 2020
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by Maxelam August 31, 2023
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a person that stays in their room all day watching "rip vine" videos, vapes, and eats tide pods.
by oppoppopp January 5, 2018
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