While spooning naked, when she lets out a fart against your balls and they vibrate into a steamy treat.
That was the best sleep over ever! In the middle of the night I woke up when I felt the vibration of steamed dumplings when she farted against my junk.
by hec.tor September 27, 2021
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To fulfill (expressively) and (physically) touch that dumpy.
Yo bro can i Dumpy Dumpling you up homie
by Dr Quantavious III December 14, 2022
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We dumpled the shit out of these ingredients and steamed it for a bit, now we got dumplings.
by Qatafo March 15, 2016
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to buy dumplings from a cheap restaurant that offers delivery, esp. at 2am while working on psets.
Would you like to dumple? Nah man, Quan's is closed and I can't handle that much grease tonight.
by noodlepoodle4177 February 14, 2014
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1.The act of one eating a plethora of dumplings especially at a beer and dumpling fest.
by Egymoni October 5, 2018
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The large dough ball you pull dumplings out of.
Hold up let me get the dumple so we can make Chicken and Dumplings
by Vintage_Warhawk May 13, 2019
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