Temper tantrum-like tweets when someone rants on Twitter because they don't get his or her way.
President Trump started temper tweeting his outrage when his executive orders were challenged in court.
by Mamdfm February 10, 2017
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The act of unfollowing someone on Twitter as a result of them overtweeting or being otherwise annoying.
Twitterer 1: Do you follow Twitterer 3?

Twitterer 2: No, I de-tweeted them due to overtweets and TMUI (too much useless information).
by pearlbrunch July 12, 2009
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The act of pausing to edit you speech so as to avoid people hating you on Twitter.
Friend 1: “I can not believe how pissed she got about what I tweeted!! Cripes, it was obvious I didn’t mean it that way!!!”
Friend 2: “Dude, I keep telling you you gotta start pre-tweeting yourself more often.”
by DrewRecDJ October 31, 2021
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to tweet within the same minute multiple times.
"i'm going to have a tweet spasm"

my twitter: @snazzyburst
by snazzeh November 5, 2010
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The time period when the Shepherd usually tweets.
Tweet o'clock is between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 pm EST.
by yumad112233 November 13, 2022
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Something people usually hashtag when they want you to know what's happening currently, right here, right now
"I think my boyfriend is trying to break up with me rn #Live Tweet"
by Dealwidit January 11, 2015
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Twitter feeds that are connected to auto-posting software and continue to Tweet after the company is closed.
Three months after their startup died, their corpse tweets kept getting pushed out ever day.
by kat071 May 24, 2015
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