A very extreme version of "beer goggles".

when a person who wears corrective lenses or glasses is -not- wearing them and is drunk and people become drastically more attractive and even look like wholly different people altogether.
guy 1: OMG I slept with who?!

guy 2: with insert name of mildly unattractive person...I couldn't believe it either.

guy 1: I knew I should've put on my glasses after I took my contacts off at our party...he must've went through the transformation chamber. I though I got laid by some chick who looked like Liv Tyler...

guy 2: hah...if only. you know, they say vanity is a killer.
by MadaoxSama September 26, 2009
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The position in which a shot gets banged
Chris: yo shrey, shall we triple chamber shotgun Davids mum tonight?

Shrey: Im on it, I'll ring the gnome.
by Bigpoppa69urmum October 4, 2017
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The type of guy that is weird but has good intentions. Okay humour. A bit plain.
by yeahbah May 9, 2021
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Secretly Loves Kendall and denies it all the time. Don't give in to his rape accusations they're just a cover up.
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A time when you pull a girl's dress over their head and yours, when they need to tell you something they are hiding from you.
1) Guy: "Juliet, whats with you?" "Nothing" (she lies). *Swoossh* "CHAMBER TIME!!"

2) Guy: "Juliet, why are you being such a bitch?" Juliet: "I'M NOTT!!!" (again she lies).
*Swoosshh* "CHAMBER TIME!!"
by oli.moretti August 20, 2011
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When a group of guys add one girl to a group chat and proceed to ‘gas her up’
Girl 1: Omg Jake, Josh, and Drew gas chambered me the other night

Girl 2: oh shit what did they say

Girl 1 : That I was beautiful and that they wanted to smash the like button on my ass
by Fangirlme March 31, 2018
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