sa means you have a pretty name face and good at everything
samantha have a sa so mean you are a talented person
by BTS is my life May 18, 2021
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Abbreviation for Sexual Assault. It's used on the Internet for avoiding demonetization on platforms like Youtube, Tiktok and such where using the full expression would get your video demonetized.
She was SAed by producers on that TV show.
by mouki February 18, 2021
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"Dudddeeeee, that guy's got SA!"
"Man, that girls got so much SA, I wouldn't toss for eating crackers."
"That dude has so much SA, I want his number!"
by paiger January 31, 2008
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An ally to bill it with wind protection features.Its the best place place to bill it on the block.All the mandem use the light to help see them bridging or billing it.
SA for z00t
Gdem green is qway come SA
by YJC99 September 21, 2020
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Smoking Area is the beat place to bill it in any conditions (excluding rain but that juss means go flats where bagged)it has a beautiful light so you can see what your billing/bridgeing.
A lot of people dislike SA for its boring features but it lies in the heart of the Moslin.
SA for z00t
Gdem greens qway come SA
by YJC99 September 21, 2020
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Sa, touching without consent, m on m, f on f, f on m, m on f.
Person- Want to have sex/ can I touch you?
Person2- No, I’m not comfortable / in the mood / or just straight up no
Person- * rapes/touches *
That’s how SA can work.
by Medusa my love September 4, 2022
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