“3 year olds are easy all you do is change their shit pouch and feed them”
by cumguzzler92 June 15, 2021
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when a female's belly hangs over their poochie
she got a poochie pouch kinda like a kangaroo pouch
by ewdatsnasty July 26, 2017
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An elderly woman's vagina. Also commonly referred to as "the old ball and chain" aka wife.
Did you put it in old pouch last night...?

Yeah, we got it on real good.

I bet her old pouch hasn't seen any action in decades.
by Zempo January 29, 2016
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a term for when a pizza delivery guy calls you daddy and tea bags your pizza
AHH DANG IT The guy pulled a devil's pouch maneuver on my pizza.
by sasasasasasasa123 February 29, 2020
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Device attached to a Male stripper/exotic male dancer's G-string to cover his dick/penis
Most of the time male strippers will use a dick pouch to cover their Johnson's while on stage
by IrritatedData February 18, 2020
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