When you are doing a chick from behind wearing a condom. Pull out a hose or a supersoaker and fill up the condom to the size of a large balloon (make sure you hold the condom so the water can't escape). When she starts to feel uncomfortable with the pressure yell I am Incredible Hulk! After you are bored with this, pull out leaving the condom in and watch the whole thing gush water.
There is an example of Incredible Hulk that Hoe in the definition.
by MikeBP February 8, 2008
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When you and your friend get in a fight, and the shorter one comes out on top screaming OHHHHH YEAAAAAAA
Man I like how at the party last night you pulled the old Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan act.
by Guts The Slayer June 18, 2016
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Hulke is a descriptive name for someone who is really cheap and can't seem to ever pay for anything of his own
Hey little buddy can I get a smoke?
No don't be such a hulke and get your own
by Lucas wallace February 15, 2018
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mmaria is hulk mama
**mia: lallala, song lalalal,*
*leah: stop thinkng ur hulk, ur a human so act like one. i have anxiety and i dont like fake friends also mia u are not a super human or hulk so dont act like one*
femmy: *anxiety hulk mama**
by yuckywh0re February 28, 2021
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A plus sized female with an extremely broad chest, Flintstone feet, watermelon-sized-massively unattractive, saggy breasts, thinning-badly box-jobbed, brass colored hair that has had the same style since the early 2000’s, who has humongous sausage fingers on her obscenely LARGE man-hands.

-Usually married to a racist, conspiracy nut, girly boy, who lets his wife beat him with her bare Hulk-hands or with weapons such as candlesticks or unopened Coke cans.

-Enjoys snacking on already eaten pizza crusts that have been thrown away in the garbage bin for at least 4 to 6 hours.

-Is extremely keen on worming their way into every aspect of one’s life… ie “a SWF”

Definition made popular by Marvel Comics Plastic Toy “hands” of the same name. Circa 2002.
Beth and Dawn were LITERALLY dying when they saw that Johnny’s gift was a pair of HULK-HANDS!!! This was hysterical because of Erin’s Hulk-Hands!!!
by HypodermicDawny June 7, 2022
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Flexing your muscles so much that you rip your clothing.
Andre was acting a fool in the locker room earlier and accidently Hulked and ripped his shirt.
by Fingolfin Nolofinwe July 25, 2020
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A male of short stature who has lots of rage built up inside of him. He also has a short penis with lots of girth.
Look at how small David’s dick is, he’s such a chode hulk.
by lildicknick68 December 24, 2020
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