Preparing or looking to do a thing different from what you're doing at the present. A southern thing.
You better hurry up, the bus finna leave!
by Afrocan President April 25, 2020
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"Finna" is an abbreviation for the phrase "fixing to." It is essentially used in place of the more common (and the more easily understandable) "abouta," which is short for "about to."
by keanu <333333 August 18, 2019
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finna basically means “going to” or “gonna
by sexybitch1936 November 11, 2022
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A slang word used by retarded 12-16 year olds to replace the normal way of saying "going to".
"I'm finna shoot yo ass" (Even if the speaker does not even know how to handle a gun)

"He finna die!" (If the speaker just saw someone just get knocked the fuck out)

"Finna jump this bitch" (The speaker is going to assemble his other retard friends to go and typically run out of adrenaline before reaching their target that they were going to 'attack')
by Yuri05343 November 28, 2020
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