a line often said by people who are trying to unalive somone but want to at least use one meme line during the process of killing said somone. It can also refer to the act of ending a sex session.
by fdfdfdfadfeefdaffvqertqfw July 13, 2023
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the boss phase sequence in destiny 2: Beyond Light's "Disgraced" strike, referring to the 1 phase the boss appears on the bottom at the start of the final encounter, the 2 phases up on the rear wooden platform, and a final phase back at the bottom of the room.

not an innuendo for sexual positioning whatsoever.
"remember, give her 1 in the bottom, 2 in the top, and finish on the bottom. take it easy now, so as to avoid accidents boys."
by ParkCity November 17, 2020
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I love jerking off in a room with a sleeping female friend. I always have a finish spot.
by krongar July 29, 2015
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After a long session plunging your trouser truncheon up your loved ones "no entry", you do them the courtesy of "flipping" them so they can watch you "finish"...

like a gentleman.
God, Keiran was so lovely last night, he drove so far to see me and he even gave me a Flip n finish!
by Sexcop October 11, 2019
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When there are sexual encounters yet to be finished, and they are very very serious.
man 1: dude I got cockblocked last night
man 2: dude that sucks
man 1: yeah, now I've gotta finish the bacon
by sierynn February 4, 2017
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dropping your defender with a crossover, hesi, stepback, or any dribble move to only miss the shot, layup, or dunk.
So many kids nowadays spend too much time working on their handles, ignoring everything else offensively. Every day you see a "million dollar move with a food stamp finish."
by unDURYEAted January 5, 2022
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When plan A, and plan B fails, you put the crevice attachment on an Orek XL vacuum, and use it to extract the creampie from her womb. For added entertainment, you have to feed her the leftovers from the vacuum bag with a rusty spoon while running the vacuum over her feet.
I went all caveman on a googly fish eyed troglodyte tonight! I knocked her out, and then knocked her up... I should bust out the Zamboni Finish on that smelly hooker pirate before she wakes up!
by Yo Momma Don't Care November 14, 2022
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