The feeling one gets from eating too much sweet and sour chicken. The person feels like they have to give birth to "the baby Jesus" in fecal form.
"Man, after that Chinese I need to give birth to baby Jesus fecal matter."
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One penis, three buttholes, no condoms.

A sexual act involving one man having anal sex with three partners without a condom. The man switches intermittently between partners, and all three must be penetrated for the act to be successful.
Yo, did you hear? O-Ring Hatch had a three ring fecal festival with Lindsey, Chuck, and John. That old dude is nasty af!
by R0b.Raf September 30, 2018
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a person who likes dead childrens poop. see rutledge
that boy in the corner happens to be a necro-fecal-pedi-feliac
by azg July 17, 2008
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a shitty diaper removed from a child's body and taped around the mouth to the back of the neck neck. Good for all day snacking or light grump munching.
Example 1: Is that baby choking on that fecal feed bag or does he always vomit brown shit.
Example 2: It's a nine hour drive everyone put on their fecal feed bag.
by Timothy July 18, 2004
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That thing where your friend tells you about their brontosaurus poops, their pebble poops, and everything in between.
You tell me everything about your bowel movements; their consistency, size, frequency, etc. You’re very fecal-focused.
by Fionna Schwab April 23, 2023
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imma fecal prick i got no excuse, but just to bust it loose because it seemed legit, Sixx Digit
by MBK419 February 26, 2015
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