Someone who realizes the public knows they turd the bed and wants to deny and cover it up… with both sheets and lawyers hired from wish.
She showed just how poorly her acting was and even looked like she was straining on the stand after all the world discovered she is a Heard Burglar.
by LightFoe May 24, 2022
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A loaded gun that’s close by when someone breaks in to your place.
We never had a need for a brinks security system. Daddy kept the “loaded burglar alarm” under his bed.
by Dick Da Bruiser November 4, 2020
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A person, generally a major asshole, that is such an asshole he would literally rob smurfs in their sleep. Who would rob the harmless smurfs?
That guy stole my wallet in my sleep at a party, after i paid for all the beer and food, where i fell asleep for a second, just shows everyone how much of a Smurf burglar he is, what an asshole.
by Nathaniel S. January 14, 2022
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A person, generally a major asshole, that is such an asshole he would literally rob smurfs in their sleep. Who would rob the harmless smurfs?
That guy's misogynistic comment just shows everyone how much of a Smurf burglar he is, what an asshole.
by Nathaniel S. January 14, 2022
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Mouth Burglar
n. A person who steals a thought or idea, soon after it's initially said by someone else, and make it your own.

Mouth Burgle
v. The act of stealing a thought or idea. Most commonly used in the past tense.
n. You fucking mouth burglar, that was my idea!
v. That summumabitch stole my idea. I've been mouth burgled!
by jah90013 March 16, 2016
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The process of stealing someone’s plants
Yuh wan kno the English word for this?! BURGLARIZATION!”
by Loco brazy November 20, 2019
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The English word for when somebody robs your plants.
Yuh wan kno the English word for this?! BURGLARIZATION!”
by Loco brazy November 20, 2019
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