1. saying yes to something 2. used to reiterate what one was saying yes to 3. saying yup to something
"hey! you just agreed!" no, i was yupping the fact that maybe you do!
by Kelly Anne December 5, 2006
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a response meaning yes.
a conversation filler, usually ending the conversation
person:so i went to the mall yesterday
other person: yup
Person signed off at 7:45PM
by a;lsfdkjsd;lfkja;lksjfd;yup January 7, 2009
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Used as a light hearted and goofy way of saying yep or yes.
Guy 1: Did you see that movie last night?
Guy 2: Yup, was good (Y)
by Gary Mc April 7, 2008
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Someone who thinks they're a total "homie". Pants around the knees, hat on sideways, and slouch walking.
by Flashmeister August 9, 2006
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when someone agrees to what you just said
is this the real deal tho ?
by greenseqquoiaocean October 23, 2020
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means yes, yeah, sure, fo shizzle, usually used for agreement. Also used when one doesn't know what to say next.
person 1: .......and that's when I switched to the new ointment!
person 2:...yup
by Justcallmechica October 8, 2010
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