One who is attracted to males, females and hermaphrodites.
Guy 1 "Do you think that guy is bisexual"

Guy 2 "No he's to weird for that he's definitely trisexual"
by XXX C-rad XXX March 29, 2010
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anyone who tries sex with anything
That trisexual tried to have sex with a tree!
by Tony IBodiducci March 13, 2009
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"A person who likes males, females, and also animals. It doesn`t really make sense, as animals are not a different sex, but it is used this way. This meaning was originally thought up in Union City, California to define a certain male. Can be used to just call someone a name."
1.) "Dude, he`s trisexual."
"Yeah. He broke up with his girlfriend after he treated her like shit. And after all that, she still loved him! Rumor is that he`s bisexual, but then someone saw him touching a dog."
by §ALLY <N.E.R.D> May 23, 2005
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A person who can only have sex with a man and a woman at the same time. Trisexual = Threesome = Tri
If you don't get the joke here your a Trisexual.
by PrezMeister December 6, 2007
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Someone who is attracted to animal, mineral and vegetable. Obviously.
The topic of trisexuality in sex ed classes is banned in 49 states.
by bankholiday June 20, 2006
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A man who is attracted to women, bisexual women, and trisexual women or visa versa.
I'm Trisexual and I get three times the sex.
by TurtleMan91 January 14, 2019
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