Verb. 1. To explain the meaning of a word or concept.
2. To impart greater clarity or resolution to.
1."Define" is a difficult word to define.
2. All those sit-ups have really defined my abs.
by Antinous September 12, 2003
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What I'm doing.
Person 1: The word define means-
Person 2: What the heck are you doing??
Person 1: I'm trying to define a word.
Person 2: What does define mean?
Person 1: Define means-
Person 1: I'm defining the word define!! You just asked!!
Person 2: You can't just define a word without me knowing what define even means you idiot!
Person 1: *sigh*
by JeremiahWD April 19, 2021
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A word used in place of "definitely" by the same people who write (or say) "agreeance" in place of "agreement" and "grammer" in place of "grammar".
We are definately in agreeance that your grammer is impeccable.
by DrSamba March 30, 2010
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Who the hell tries to define the word define? We're all lucky you didn't just cause the internet to implode!
To examine every inch of a woman's body, and define her to your friends about it in great detail.
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When you ask somebody an embarassing question and they respond with "Define" as to change the subject. The person then defines what he means, and a debate over the use ensues.
"Hey man, did you ever hook up with that girl?"
"Define 'hook up'.
"When you make out with someone"
"It means a lot of other things too"
"Oh like what?"

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