A person *cough* brenda *cough*, who tells people that they are the muffin man.
Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man.Do you know the muffin man, who lives on Trudy Lane.
Yes, I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man, Yes I know the muffin man, who lives on trudy lane.
by RCG210 November 9, 2003
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A great tune by Frank Zappa, from the album Bongo Fury.

It features a WICKED guitar solo.
Muffin Man is prolly of of FZ's most awesome axe solos!
by MEGAMIGA November 28, 2006
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A man whose strange obsessions are tragically made apparent to wife shortly after marriage. Expression as in, "that muffin was delicious yesterday but today it's morphed into a load of fat".
"Girl, you thought he was man but he only was a muffin" F.Zappa (Muffin Man)
by a muffin man September 15, 2011
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eats muffin (a lot) and is clumsy when doing so. gets it stuck in teeth regularly and doesn't notice. some find it enticing; most find it rank.
1) "hey you've got some muffin stuck in your teeth!"
muffin man replies:
"what of it? my gf loves it - as do i!"

"ookaaay then"

2) "ew muffin man teeth - sick"

3) "mmm muffin man teeth - loves it"

4) "mmmm muffin teeth hot like a bitch... that's bitchin' like the teeth that i love. i don't use toothpaste i use muffin man as my deep clean regime..."

5) "hmmm muffin in my teeth... how do you like me now.. BITCH.. I'm the muffin man!"
by howardmoonsexyfoxwink December 23, 2008
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the man at costco that hands out the free muffin samples.
"do you know the muffin man?"
"the muffin man?"
"the muffin man..."
"yes i know the muffin man...who lives on drury lane?"
"shes...married to the muffin man."
"the muffin man?"
*note* watch shrek
by skank ass weasel October 25, 2003
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the act of placing ones own ass directly in anothers face, normally while the person recieving is asleep, but it is not necessary.
i hate him so much that the next time he falls aslepp im gonna give a him a huge muffin man!
by p.k. todd August 27, 2004
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When a bitch comes up in a club and slaps or takes your baked goods
Dang i was up in the sizzler last night and that muffin man took my crescent roll!
by Oglockk April 21, 2009
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