To "Stealth it" a verb.

Defined: during a sexual encounter--the penetrating individual will initially use a condom, then at some time remove without the knowledge of the other individual(s).

Required Elements--i.e. legal terminology.

To "stealth it" per se

Actus reus. The removal of a condom during intercourse or another sexual act.

Mens rea. The actor has one or more of these states of mind: (1) A reckless disregard for the bodily health and safety, or emotional wellbeing of the person on whom the actor decided to "stealth it" on. OR (2) Another (mallum in se--like) intent such the desire/ intent to impregnate or to infect the unwitting individual. OR (3) The knowledge that the individual who had consented to sex initially did not (at the time the condom was removed) consent to its removal, or would not likely have consented to its removal.

To "stealth it" in other situations

Condom Breaks/ Broke/ Ripped/ Slipped Off:

Where a condom breaks and neither actor is aware, then the actor wearing the condom did not "stealth it."

Where a condom breaks and the actor wearing it becomes aware, if that actor immediately informs the other participant, and either continues with consent or desists then the actor didn't "stealth-it."

Where an actor intentionally continues upon learning that the condom has broke (etc.) and without obtaining consent then that individual has decided to "stealth it."
Caveat. Sadly, I learned this term from a Craigslist ad whereby an individual explained he had contracted HIV from an individual whom had decided to "stealth it" when the contracting individual bottomed. He caught him but it was too late.
by yarden1234567 April 20, 2015
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When you are jerking off while in discord with your friends.
Bro we were in discord the other day and I had the urge. You guys didnt know but I was stealthing it to midget porn.
by IwearRompers July 15, 2022
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Taking off the condom during sex without the bottom knowing and then proceeding to cum inside.
Top: *whispering* Bruh I'm stealthing him right now. Feels so good

Camera Guy: bruh that's hot
by Toocoolguy21 March 9, 2016
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When a unique object or experience is considered to be downright amazing and extremely cool.
Never seen anything like that before, man, that custom built bike is STEALTH!
by Lizard2020 June 10, 2020
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Wearing a face mask into the store and then removing it when no one is looking, similar to removing a condom without ones partner’s knowledge
It would be easier to flatten the COVID-19 curve if people would quit Stealthing at the grocery store
by Cuttis May 9, 2020
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A rollercoaster ride in a theme park called Thorpe Park, in England. It is the highest rollercaster in the country and goes from 0 to 80 miles per hour in 2 seconds. (I think.)
We went on Stealth at Thorpe Park.
by Fayola1337 November 6, 2008
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A rogue ability in Word of Warcraft. This ability enables the rogue to sneak around enemies such as horde or game enemies. This gives the rogue to upper hand in the fight as it can stun lock the opponent but using Cheap Shot as the opening move.

However, if the rogue gets to close to a game enemy the enemy will sense it and attact. The chance of this happening can be decreased by using talent points. Also, if a player or enemy is a certain amount of levels higher than the rogue, it can be seen therefore making stealth useless.
A rogue stealths up to an unsuspecting enemy and stunlocks/ambushes it without it having time to react.
by 1337rogue November 30, 2005
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