Referencing Frank Millers '300', an elite class of greek soldiers, who tend to pwn persians. Consisted of super hardcore people such as Jason Statham, Bear Grylls, and Chuck Norris. Like to kick people down giant pits
Spartan- THIS IS SPARTAAA!!!! *kick down a pit*
by that super cool guy January 12, 2009
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Race of men with ourtageous penis size and fighting abilities.
A spartan is a sex god and unbelievably good figter.
by mary zebrah February 16, 2009
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a warrior-like figure from the days of sparta, the greek city-state which have bread trough and today are shown through a select few of south american heritage.
characteristics of spartans
-immense will of fighting
-ability to destroy persians with ease
-diet consists of raw meat and/or uncooked eggs

how to know if you are a descendant of sparta
-have a six pack from an early age
-dark complexion
-into dangerous activities i.e. extreme sports
-a strong distaste for asians
-indifference on appearance pertaining to opposite sex i.e. for intercourse
-skilled in the art of thievery
-opposed to german army members
"i am spartan- i must never surrender, never retreat-death on the battlefield is the greatest glory a man can achieve"

examples of spartans:
chuck lidell
chuck norris
anyone with the name chuck
king leunitas
by anthony tolliver June 25, 2007
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Any person who will go without a shirt, sometimes at an inappropriate place or time, only doing so to brandish muscles or tattoos in an attempt to garner female attention. Spartans were commonly found at pools, parks or the occasional laundromat, but are now turning up in clubs, raves, and anywhere else a high concentration of women may exist.
James hoped that by going spartan he might be able to score with a girl at the rave that night.
by XombieShovel August 14, 2009
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Sarcastic remark that on the surface appears very masculine buti s truly gay. Fact: Older Spartans often had anal sex with the younger, not quite soldier, spartans. Then when they would go off and battle they would fuck each other.
Don't ask don't tell is Spartan.
Brokeback mountain is Spartan.
Long hunting trips are Spartan.
by Legbah February 5, 2008
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1) YO! When dude finally gets laid he's gonna be like spartans!

2) Man it felt so good and I was so happy to be getting laid I screamed out "spartansssss" just as I came.
by Truey January 20, 2009
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An individual marked by homosexual tendencies. Although not blatantly homosexual, the individual nonetheless exhibits some of the qualities to be found in a metrosexual.
Guy 1: "Whatcha drinking, Josh?"
Josh: "A Vanilla Stoli White Russian with Frangelico..."
Guy 1: "Oh, man, that's good."

Guy 2, aside: "Spartans."
by El Toro December 4, 2005
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