1.a shady way of sneaking up on people
2.a way to get out of trouble
3.the way a snake sounds
1.look at jake asleep on the couch,watch this...sksksksksk
2.mom"jake were u smoking crack in the backyard?" jake"um... sksksksksksksksk"
3.the snake slithered in the grass and went "sksksksksksk"
by Th3M1ck August 30, 2007
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when u is fuckin drunk & blazed, or yu jus rlly confused or mad:)
“sksksk this snake ass faggot be pissin me off bro”
by Cheesehandlebaby21 June 28, 2018
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a beautiful girl who probably had a C in math and still uses dead trends.
"sksksk, Karen I got a 50 % on my quiz!!!"
by dinner plate November 27, 2019
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A term used by annoying bitches that have nothing better to do than say sksk to their normal friends who don’t give a shit.
Normal friend: and then my grandad died..


Normal friend: My grandad died..

Annoying bitch: SKSKSKSKSKSK! *Purposely drops hyrdro-flask* SK- and I oop- SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSK

Normal friend: 👁👄👁
by Namezzy defs September 12, 2019
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sksksk has no fucking meaning. it is a dumbass term 'vsco girls' (popular wannabes) use as a form of laughter. it actually annoys the fuck out of everyone so vsco girls should get their heads OUT their asses and shut up rather than shoving them further in.
by unknown opinions September 5, 2019
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something a dumb ass tik tok female to gain attention from her turtle saving peers.
person one: tiffany uses plastic cups!
person two: sksksk oh my GOD!!!
by tons_of_crack December 9, 2019
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a term that used to be used by stan twitter until the locals took it. it was never a “vsco girl” or “class of 2023” thing until tik tok. it never was even used at loud. it used to be a response to something funny and now it can’t even be used bc now it’s overused and cringey😔
by a ha ha September 14, 2019
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