A social clique of six young females who are prude, attractive, and insecure (thus their need to belong to an elite group).
"I wanna pound the six pack."
"You want to drink six beers?"
"Nope, I'm talking 'bout poon."
by Arrbear October 4, 2005
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Erotic situation involving a combination of only one female, and at 6 other gentlemen. the performance of a "six-pack" is to allow all 6 of the gentlemen "access" to an orifice of the waiting female.
"she got two in the front and two in the back, but then she had two more in her mouth!"

"Man she must have gotten six-packed!"
by Brian Cannon August 31, 2007
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Used to measure distance during a long road trip esp. in Texas.
Austin: "How long is it from Palo Alto to Pismo?"
Alex: "Shit, about 2-3 six packs."
by drunkenevilll March 11, 2010
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Noun: A miscellaneous assortment of beers collected from a previous night or nights combined to create a unique, one-of-a-kind six pack.
Troy: Yooooooo! I found two Dos Equis, a natty, a keystone and two Stellas in the fridge for tonight.

Chad: That's #dope bruh, come through with that college six pack.
by arizonastillsucks January 14, 2017
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When somebody is an athlete during one particular season of the year and gets a six-pack during this time, but after the season ends it fades away due to lack of activity.
Amanda: Hey, didn't Joe have a six-pack during the swim season?

Claire: Yeah, but now he just sits around and plays Modern Warfare 2 all day, he has a seasonal six-pack.
by danisreallycool May 18, 2010
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The Gentleman's Six Pack is the classiest of all evenings a man can enjoy. By definition, it is 7 beers, one more than a six pack. In real world application, it is having one more beer than a man should have had on any given evening.
A: "Dude, you alright?"

B: "Sure man, I just had a gentleman's six pack."

A: "Let's get you some tang, brah."
by Tommy Handjob February 8, 2009
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the act of stepping into a hot shower with an ice cold six pack of beer and only exiting after all the beer has been consumed, usually after a prolonged period of being shower-free.
after spending 2 weeks in the wilderness with nothing but water to drink and baby wipes to clean with, that six pack shower really hit the spot.
by 080080 March 19, 2011
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