A type of girl who is not overwhelmingly beautiful, but will suffice for a hook-up.
Yeah, she's not all that hot, but she'd be a good shammy.
by everynicegirl September 9, 2010
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as a name, it is derivative from the arabic word "shams" meaning sun.
shammy, your smile lights up this world like the sun, hence your name.
by pastel light September 1, 2020
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a word describing how poor, unhealthy or scruffy an object can be
oh my you are looking shammy today
by louiscornforth March 3, 2011
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A nickname for Irish people invented by, well, me which my friends call me.
by Brett Cailler March 16, 2005
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to clean your asshole with a metal toothbrush.
I'm gonna go shit, shave, shower, and shammy.
by Brian and jesse May 22, 2006
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When the vag has secreted an excessive amount of discharge in the panties, making the female feel moist and swampish for most of he day.
"Mmmm gurl, I gots ta go change my panties because I got myself a clammy shammy"

"Gurl my shammy be so clammy on dis hot day"
by DPOOKERS January 7, 2010
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Getting diarrhea immediately after drinking a shamrock shake.
Hey boss can't come into work today I have the shammy shits, the mintyness burns my anus.
by Mr.GordonPlow February 18, 2021
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