an attractive person that no one actually likes and had some yummy intercourse in class the another sexy beast that no one actually likes.
Ohhh shes a sexy beast!!
Yeah but no one likes her!
by TINYGEORGE#THEBEST October 25, 2018
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Isaac- damn the reader is a sexy beast, don't ya think

Cameron- Oh yeah, they hot as hell

Tyron- (red cause u so sexy)
by HelloIamhappy_yey April 2, 2020
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VERB: 1. to be a sexy beast, or to preform the act of sexy-beasting. 2. to have sexy parties, get crunk, and act like a retard.
Sara, Jenny, and Jill are such sexy beasts! Look at them, sex-beasting all over the place!!!

Poor Tony. He's so bad at sexy-beasting.

Oooh, look at James. He's trying way too hard to be a sexy beast, he has no idea that he's completely incapable of sexy-beasting.
by saraisyobaby'sdaddeh April 16, 2008
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Sexy beast - normally used for people called “Melissa” these rare creatures radiate beauty . Although they may be seen as sexy and beautiful they normally carry heavy warning , they can be annoying and aggressive if provoked - normally think they are right about everything.

Also can be violently moody if they are not fed
The sexy beast consumed the buffet without taking a breath
by Bourne99 July 6, 2018
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a state of being referring to hostesses at carabbas specifically in lafayette, louisiana.
Guy 1: Dude check out that hostess...

Guy 2: In the black dress?

Guy 1: Yeah man, she is a sexy beast.
by ahelluvahullaballo July 17, 2012
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A man who's internet exploits make him sexy and hotter than hell. While he is mean and nasty and his language can be filthy the whole package is somehow bizarrely, beastly sexy. Enough to drive a woman wild with desire.
Playa, that dude is a sexy beast.
by Guinivere Smith January 5, 2008
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