Def. 1-
(noun) a liquid or semi-liquid edible dressing or condiment served as an accompaniment to or an ingredient in a meat, dessert, or other food: pizza sauce, steak sauce, cranberry sauce, chocolate sauce, etc., or (verb) to add said sauce to something.

Def 2-
(noun) an intoxicating substance, usually hard liquor.

Def 3-
(noun) A word used to describe something as especially good, often used stand alone as an interjection.

Def 4-
(interrogative) slang for "source"- usually used when asking for the source a particular file on a "chan" or other chat/image board.

Def 5-
(archaic- now usually only heard in old Tom & Jerry or Bugs Bunny cartoon reruns from the '40s) rude or impudent speech, especially applying to "backtalk."

Def 1-
"This pasta needs more marinara sauce."

Def 2-
"I threw back way too much of the sauce last night- I can't remember getting this new tattoo."

Def 3-
"I just banged Eddie's hot sister! Sauce!"

Def 4-
"teh girl pwns! I need moar! Sauce?!"

Def 5-
"Don't you young whippersnappers give me no sauce, dagnabit!"
by dog ng July 31, 2008
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A popular term of endearment used to convey high approval and validation of someone and/or something.
Person 1: You got this bro, two more reps
Person 2: Fuck that, watch me do three!
Person 1: That's the sauce!
by Malvolo October 31, 2013
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mainly canadian slang meaning pass or throw.
ayo Jack sauce me that football over there eh.

sauce me the salt and pepper real quick.
by pepedestroyer December 29, 2020
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A phrase used to describe something especially sick, filthy, awesome etc. The Sauce is something that usually comes naturally, but it can be learned with the proper teaching. It can be used as a noun, adjective or verb. Also spelled, Thauce for something extra saucy.
"Damn, did you see that juke? He gave him all the sauce."

"That's the sauce."

"I'm gonna have to sauce you in FIFA real quick."

"That's the sauce right there!"
by December 5, 2011
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Six digit code usually put in nhentai
Person 1: can i have some sauce
Person 2:177013
The next day person 2 was found dead.
by destoyer January 22, 2021
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Used to describe great accomplishment or dismay, or to express disapproval
Dude, you won the lottery! You are totally in the sauce!

My girlfriend caught me with her sister last night. I'm so in the sauce.

That lazy son of a bitch is going IN THE SAUCE!
by RadishAttack November 1, 2004
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Something that adds extra.

Extravagant in some cases
Ex:"hey did you hear that new song"
"Yeah it was that sauce man"
by Kierstabun November 17, 2013
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