Acronym used by people who have had enough of relationships and have embraced the single life.
‘Single As F**k And Relishing It’
Mate, I have had it with crazy women!!!
I’m going SAFARI from now on!
Let’s get shitfaced!
by Lozzeroony May 30, 2018
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when ure trolling through the bar and all there is are zoo creatures and fam animals. ure on a safari. bring ure spear gun.
I went on a safari through all the zoo creatures at this fucking bar.
by tomflyes February 2, 2010
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A song on IIDX that is so hard that teh japanese peoples can't beat it on light 7.
gs68 exploded after failing The Safari for the 47th time.
by dj gs68 August 14, 2003
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Term used to describe corporate management when they ban together to tour a floor of a department store. Refers to the way that they gawk at workers from a distance as if on, Safari.
"Oh God here comes the Safari, look busy until they pass us by."
by Pascalle June 19, 2008
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Apples attempt at a browser, not bad but gets annoying pop ups and isn't too fast and can crash. Equivalent to Firefox for the PC, except for Mac.
I was using Safari but i want a browser that isn't filled with i pod ads, so i got Firefox.
by SiLENCE'R November 23, 2006
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a simple tool included in Mac OS X. Used for connecting to the internet and downloading web browsers
I used Safari to download google chrome, a web browser
by herpderpin February 7, 2012
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pairing marijuana with a prescription amphetamine used to treat attention deficit disorder (usually adderall, a.k.a. pandas or pandae, but sometimes ritalin, a.k.a. koalas) to get a high energy high
Yo, we're goin' on safari tonight. Gonna eat some pandas, then hit the trees till it kicks in.

Wanna make it a safari?
by prozak42 June 3, 2011
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