\Noun\ act,belief,disease

Racism is created when a culture stagnates in advancement and takes a group of it’s own or other people and makes them lesser to make themselves seem bigger.
This or when you don’t mind your own business and decide to bother a family of a different race for no reason.

Cures for Racism:

-don’t be a Karen

-leave that black family alone at that cookout\ restaurant

-Realize all colors or differentiations of human are ultimately stupid and the least we can do is not think we’re the apex.

-don’t think being the teachers pet to some god makes you better.
1:”Yelling at a Hispanic family at a Walmart? I diagnose you with Racism”
2:”calling the cops on a black bird watcher? Thats Karen Racism”
by Hari the beautiful biCH June 25, 2020
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Those slightly off-topic things that you're white grandparents say that they probably shouldn't be saying in public.
by Alison McKay June 1, 2020
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Something very not good

"yo i hate asians"

"come on bruh thats racist as fuck you dumb piece of shit gkys"
Racism is very dumb
by !QAZ@WSX#EDC$RF October 4, 2021
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Something white people believe they are a target of because they can’t stand to apologize to everyone they’ve oppressed.
White guy: I hate when people say that racism only applies to black people, it’s outrageous that we have to suffer small penalties for oppressing entire generations of people because of their race.
by UnintensifiedFailure June 23, 2018
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1.)Ignorance at one of its purest forms.
2.) Belief that things are negative of one due to their race.
3.) Studpidity.

Note; Racism does not include MENTIONING ones race, and does not include steotypical statements about that race. It's purely hatred of that race.
Racism exists in the world.
by iMySElfxOx January 21, 2009
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Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized (they don't have to be part of a minority or marginalized group, it is just more often that this is the case).
P1; Ew, fuck Becky. I don't like her because she's Asian/Black/White.
P2; Racism isn't cool bro?
P1; So what? She smells funny.
by Caitie5925 August 31, 2021
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