The act of becoming moronic due to the overuse and abuse of oxycontin.


A person who is addicted to oxycontin, therefore making them a retard.
Person 1: Hey man, you talked to Levi lately?
Person 2: No man, I heard he's a real oxymoron.
Person 1: So that's why he keeps ducking me for money.
Person 2: That fat fuck...
by cosmicbaby June 7, 2011
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A ridiculous comparision. Conjoining contradictory terms.
Example of Oxymoron
Unjust Law
Tax Return
Airline Food
Alone Together
Taped Live
Peace Force
Anarchy Rules
Affordable Housing
by Ashley Elizabeth October 26, 2005
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It's contradiction in a same sentence or a word.
Honest lawyer.
Nice ex wife/husband.
Cheap vacation.
Cheap gilfriend/boyfriend
by Julie March 24, 2005
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figure of speech combining two normally contradictory terms
(e.g. "tolerant LK", "correct LK",etc.)
by 100%Caborn May 22, 2005
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Two words that contradict themselves.
"Rap music" is not an oxymoron, you hatin' motherfuckers.
by PSP Squirrel #1 June 25, 2006
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A coupling of words that contradict each other, yet are combined to form a new phrase.
by is my own May 27, 2005
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An idiotic, slow and inept person who also uses way too much Oxycontin/Oxycodone. What is important to stress is that they would be a moron even without the Oxycontin/Oxycodone, but they're also a pillhead.
"Dang, where is Keith? He was supposed to meet us down at the lake an hour ago."

"Oh he's an Oxymoron... He went the wrong way... and smoked a month worth of 20's."
by Chad Wise April 17, 2012
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