gunther: who?
Oda: Berak obamer?
Winslow: Buhrak Obamer. the king of that other country...
winslow: Buhrak obamer i think it was,
by inyourface-interface April 9, 2009
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The feeling of jubilation that takes over after Obama is elected president. Synonyms include Obamatastic, Obamatacular, Obamaful, and Obamaphoria.
Question: How are you feeling today?
Answer: I am overcome with the feeling of Obamalation!!
by Obamanator January 21, 2009
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Obamism is the worship of Barack Obama, the 44th U.S president.
In Obamism we worship Barack Obama.
by nessashart November 3, 2020
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Bary Husane Obame

44th "president" in the history of America
Seinfeld2000: "Presedent Bary Husane Obame sell America to Tibet while hard working Amercans asleep at night. When Jary wake up hes basicaly a slave now"
by Gjord August 15, 2022
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