punani shortened

slang for vagina
james: woah man look at that slut
steve: she must hav a loose nani
by C-losh January 21, 2010
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How's nani doing today?
by IFXXavier June 26, 2005
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a. Means 'what' in virgin weeb

b. Something only a chad could pull off saying
Little billy was watching anime when he spillt his klondike bar over his potato chip crumbles on his T-Shirt.

He exclaimed 'nani!!' as this is the third time it happened today.
by RepGott November 2, 2020
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Omajova mo sinderu. NANI
by bLOCKfish April 27, 2020
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Japanese for “what?”. The saying has recently become a meme, with it being paired with the saying and meme; “Omae wa mou shindeiru”. Can also be referred to the soccer player.
Some dude: “Omae wa mou shindeiru!”
Me: “Nani?”
by OfficialDeltaGamer March 17, 2019
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Shortening of the word "Poonani" which is slang for vagina or pussy.
"I know I was supposed to play Xbox but there was Nani and alcohol to be had"
by John Fitzgeralt June 10, 2015
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Spectator: "look at that blibbering vagina rolling all over the ground, he wasn't even touched."

Gomes: "What a Nani"
by insultingrock November 1, 2010
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