Short bar in wood-framing, usually the central, vertical components of a panelled door. Scottish variant of muntin, both possibly of French origin.
A short, thick chunk of wood, by extension, an ugly person.
"Whit fur huv ye pitten they munters in back ti front, son? Can ye no see the mouldings are different?"
"Ah shuttit ye auld munter"
by the horsieman September 17, 2012
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The dangerous, heady combination of taking one too many E whilst drinking heavily.

When you're so high that eating something, smoking a joint or drinking water will be of no help whatsoever.

Can, of course apply to other drugs, usually speedy ones.
Havin' a good one?
I think so mate, but fuck me, am I muntered.
by dj_monged August 15, 2004
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Someone who, at that precise moment in time, is drunk/pilling/speeding etc. Also, someone who can be regularly found in said state.
'kweilo, you're such a munter.
Maybe so, but I'm still not queen of the muntered'
by anon May 22, 2004
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An ugly girl - UK slang
Word comes from some old Victorian practise by necrophiles who used to dig up womens remains and then ... not really do what you might think to them but considerably worse. look it up if you want, i can't post it on here but it's much worse than having any kind of sex with the body, but it does involve the sex organs of the deceased in some way.

by Monghorn August 8, 2007
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two people necessary, the act of digging up a female corpse and getting another person to jump on the girl's stomach while you put your mouth over her vagina (mouth, cunt...hence Munter)
hey Steve, fancy going grave yard to do some Munting?

You're such a Munter
by orignal_name_668 June 13, 2011
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A cross between a monster and a cunt
See that Lucy McRoberts? She's a munter.
by K March 17, 2004
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a female who is rather ugly and/or has an unwashed appearance.
by LittleRed January 12, 2007
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