the hoe who is gay asf but still finds charlieskies hot asf
jo: who dat

oliver: thats mika shes such a hoe but we love her anyway
jo: tru her memes arent as stale as mine
by mika the memeking babe hottie December 30, 2016
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A pompous, egotistical ass. One who abuses authority and lets it go to his head. A self proclaimed god, albeit, a pretty shitty one.
That fucking moderator is being such a mikas, what a douche.
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Maneater; cheating women whos main objective is to steal the souls of men while pissing off everybody around him. has few friends and has a severe craving for having a baby
Dude! have u met zachs new girlfriend?

Yea bro i heard shes a complete Mika.
by waka joe January 3, 2011
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Perfect. A pop indie singer who might just have dumbass pre-teen girls after him one day. But as of now, he's pretty amazing in the indie world. Let's keep it that way...
Dumbass: MIKA is sooooooooo cute!

Indie: Ugh stfu and go listen to fall out boy or panic! at the gay
by Marialejandra June 14, 2007
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A perfect day.
Usually involving copious amounts of sex.
And maybe a tree kangaroo.
After ending my Sunday with a car fuck I realized I just had a Mika.
by Mahoutling March 5, 2007
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Mika is a REALLY hot,sexy,nice knockered, swaggy girl who has MAJOR milf potential‼️
Mika is so hot, I’d hit!
by Evanpetes March 19, 2021
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Mika is someone who is here to genuinely light up your day. Definitely the one in the friendgroup who's ready to defend the people they care about. Witty, talented, fucking hilarious, enthusiastic, and honestly just great to have around. They say they're lazy, but you know they try their best when it matters.
If you treat them badly, people are sure to come back and bite you in the ass for it if Mika doesn't already do it themselves. Expect your character shrine to be burned down the moment you cross them, or to be threatened with their undeniability of death Note.
Sunny: "What was that thing Mika said after you bumped first?"
Mosh: "You have been warned, there is no where to run! You will pay the price, I WILL TAKE YOUR LIFE!!"
Baku: "Yeah, that's definitely Mika..."
by WaifuEater June 16, 2021
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