Despite a Mia's great sence of humor and beautiful personality, she can be very crazy at times. If you're in an argument with a Mia, she will not stop till she wins. She never wants to be proven wrong. Mia has hazel-brown eyes, and is a really talented singer. Mia always thinks hard before getting into a relationship, or if she wants to keep having one with another person. She's very picky with people and will always chose the friend that she knows will stay with her in the long run and be by her side. Mia is VERY smart and always daydreams about the future, wanting to become a doctor. You may think she's a goody-two-shoes, but she does mean well. However, not only does she look out for her grades, but her friends too.
Me: Dangit.. I got a 70 on my math test!

Mia: *glares* YOU GOT A, WHAT??

Me: *runs*
by AsHlEyaNdfReNs May 15, 2019
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The kindest person you will ever meet. Also the best friend and funniest person too. even if you're really down and need some cheering up. just talk to her and without a doubt you're going to be happy. you could not ask for such a cool person. if you know a mia, befriend them. you won't regret it and they'll be by your side for all of time.
guy 1: I met this great person. she's kind and funny.
guy 2: oh yeah. then its a mia.
guy 1: yeah.
by thenumberonechampion February 23, 2019
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A girl that is unbelievably pretty with the most amazing personality and a perfect figure. She like to live on the edge, a daredevil. Mia’s are usually tomboys with a girly side. She will always be there for you and always have your back. A Mia are bad at relationships and have trouble keeping a man because they don’t trust people so easily. But if she trust you consider yourself one of the luckiest person on earth because she will give you everything she has. Mia’s are loyal and very active. They all have a bit of a wild side when it comes it. If you find a Mia your lucky so don’t let her go. Don’t her slip away.
Derek: Your dating Mia
Nathan: Yeah

Derek: Your so lucky she so hot with the coolest personality

Nathan: I know
Derek: I need myself a Mia
by 123Aleis June 24, 2018
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Shuffle dancing with weird tummy noises is how I would define Mia. Her perfectly timed Instagram stories with the banging tunes really get me through the day. However, does concern a me a little bit, considering we are in the middle of A levels - NO ONE HAS THAT MUCH TIME.
*in a psychology class*
Mia: djfnaidjtbjejfntj ok?
Gee: Are you ok? That wasn’t even English?
Mia: sorry my body just took over.
Sloane: it’s ok Daddy can pay for the good doctors to fix that
by DanSmith123 May 28, 2019
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When you are just to cute or adorable for words
Omg she been such a Mia today, I can't deal.
by The. Bitch. 69 February 14, 2017
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A girl who has two modes, responsible mom mode, and your super drunk friend who thinks everything is funny mode. No matter what mode she is in she will always be there for you. Or vise versa when your holding her hair back so she can puke. You love your Mia. She can be crazy or compile, but you wouldn't trade that for the world.
Wow, she is such a Mia. Only Mia's act like that
by Original. Girl February 11, 2017
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Mia is a very funny girl. She is someone who most people don't understand. Once you get to know Mia you will be captivated by her, she has nice eyes, Mia is a tough girl who can stand up for herself. Mia means "Mine" in Spanish. She gets very attached to people enough so that she is yours. Mia acts very tough in front of people but, she is very emotional. Mia is a nice girl, always keep Mia in your life she is special.
I didn't like Mia at first but now she is my best friend!
by Moniqu' December 27, 2017
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