A Small Brained Individual, Who thinks about nothing but Lifting Weights, Protein Shakes, NAPS, Wearing Cutoffs, Night Clubs, and impressing, women, usually 2 to 3 years younger than themselves. They Wear Shirts too small and, don’t care about school until they find out benching 350 pounds wont get them a job at the big business. Meatheads will have a myspace, showing numerous pictures of themselves flexing and showing off their polished muscles. Future involves bagging food at local convenient store. When having spare time they can be found at the local, GNC. Meatheads associate themselves as in some sort of mafia ex: Sleeveless, Mafia. In 10 years you can usually find this, mafia working a low wage job like blockbuster cashier, or of a fast food restaurant reminiscing of their high school, glory days!
Gerald is usualy a Strong Meathead name along with Carl
myspace example http://myspace.com/213951608
by M-Twon July 23, 2007
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One that cannot think or talk about anything except rowing, riding, wieghts or other forms of strenous activity.
T: S, what are you doing tonight?
S: Oh, a 20min ergo then 40min ride then 5km run, pretty standard
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A Small Brained Individual, Who thinks about nothing but Lifting Weights, Protein Shakes, NAPS, Wearing Cutoffs, Night Clubs, and impressing, women, usually 2 to 3 years younger than themselves. They Wear Shirts too small and, don’t care about school until they find out benching 350 pounds wont get them a job at the big business. Meatheads will have a myspace, showing numerous pictures of themselves flexing and showing off their polished muscles. Future involves bagging food at local convenient store. When having spare time they can be found at the local, GNC. Meatheads associate themselves as in some sort of mafia ex: Sleeveless, Mafia. In 10 years you can usually find this, mafia working a low wage job like blockbuster cashier, or of a fast food restaurant reminiscing of their high school, glory days!
Gerald is usualy a Strong Meathead name along with Carl

perfect Example http://myspace.com/213951608
by M-Twon OH July 23, 2007
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a highly ammusing contributor to theninhotline.com specialising in Nine Inch Nails hummour.
by tranquil_demon September 6, 2003
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Canadian military slang for a military police officer. The term comes from their identifying red berets.
I wanted to sneak off base last night, but there were meatheads everywhere.
by Rob774 October 8, 2007
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Someone who pumps himself full of steroids, without knowing what the side effects or consequences are.
That meathead doesn't know what he's doing.
by psycoticadvocate (AIM) April 8, 2005
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People that have absolutley no lives that lift and eat protein all day. And because they lift they think they are tough but they cannot fight for shit, they can barley move their arms. Think they're the shit (football players/Lacrosse) but really everyone hates them. Also pick on people who are half their size to feel good about themselves when they will get fucked up by anyone with balls.
meathead 1 "Yo man you wana go lift after school?"
meathead 2 "Yeah of course, what do you wana take after protein shakes or creatine?"
meathead 1 "Uhhh...BOTH"

kid 1 "Yo did you see those meatheads those kids think they're so tough"
kid 2 "they really need lives, I cant wait till thad kid shuts there big ass mouth up".
by Antimeathead April 17, 2007
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