Something too awesome to be just neat and just as tasty as taco meat.
Dude, that movie was "neat like taco meat".
by Mike Lightner April 14, 2006
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A very obscure way of saying one would engage in intercourse with a female they have no respect for. "Taco Meat" is in reference to man-meat entering the unknowing female's pink taco.
Rusty: That cashier is cute.

Remington: Meh. She's okay.

Rusty: I'd put the taco meat on her butt.

Remington: She'll probably let you. She looks like a pin cushion for dicks.
by MidgetHerder March 2, 2013
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When a Man has Many ugly bumps on his face or neck from shaving wrong.
Damn did you see the bumps on Ol' Boy neck,

That nigga got mad taco meat!!!
Make sure you wash your face, i can see early signs of taco meat on yo Shit!!!
by James Samuel Dean June 28, 2016
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A boy who wear the same sweatshirt everyday to school and who once dated a female of Spanish descent. Every time this boy walks around the smell of taco meat is lifted and propelled throughout the air.
Kid1: yo look, it’s Taco Meat again

Kid2: OMG bro, ur right , I can smell him from here

Kid 3: yea , and he’s wearing that same sweatshirt again
by Jake possum November 2, 2017
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