Something n00bs like to say to their online boyfriend/girlfriend.
Liek omgz,I luff j00!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^____^6^___^;;; <33333
by alzu_ru August 21, 2006
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Also: the act of sailing a ship closer to the wind. Because of the term's obscurity, it has been adapted from various novels in which it appears, and is used to replace more or less any word without preference.
"Well, I'm luffed (exhausted). Let's luff (go) back home."
"Stop telling me what to do, you luffing (fucking) luffer (bitch?)."
by Sebastian Bales May 4, 2005
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a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person which exceeds that of love. There is no greater feeling you can have for someone than to luff them.
by al_clarkey18 October 22, 2007
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The initial infatuation for a person. The feelings of light headed and giddiness. When your heart skips a beat every time you think of them and a whole smile stretches across your face when you're reading their texts to you. The feeling you get when you think of someone you completely admire and adore. Puppy love. You don't quite understand the person yet completely so you don't really love them, but it's the feeling from when you're learning about them and it makes you completely interested and taken up by them.
girl: I luff you >.<

boy: wtf is luff?

girl: it's a feeling =)

boy: that sounds stupid

*some time later*

boy: I luff you, everyday "luff" becomes more like "love."

girl: I knew it wasn't just a stupid word
by sailormars0402 December 8, 2010
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To love with a lot more "effing"
So Nathan and I had a wonderful date and then we went home and luffed.
by no1gives14 May 8, 2005
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Similar to love; feelings of admiration that arouse when on shrooms, creates attachment
I drew on him while he was on shrooms and now he luffs me.
by Linny the Pooh August 8, 2010
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