stupid prune faced liberal who never had any idea what he was talking about, but rambled endlessly like a teenage girl.
The only thing Kerry did right was concede when he knew he lost.
by manohmanoh March 20, 2005
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A politician that got pwned by Bush, and rightfully so.
by Bill Fuckin Nye October 23, 2006
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1.)A liberal ass weiner fool who thinks hes soo good cause he has 3 purple hearts. Just remember...if he should be president...then why isnt he?(or should i say she).

2.)A gay faggot asshole.

3.)A person the world would have been better off without.

4.)See herman munster.
Dude jonh kerry got his ass whooped in the 2004 election...rock on bush!
by kerrysucks04 May 1, 2005
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"Having just graduated from an great prep school" John Kerry's private cocksucker
by Presidential Cigar January 2, 2007
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A moderate Democratic Senator, different ranking methods rate him between the 12th and 22nd most liberal Senator, he is in the center of the Democratic Party. Voted for the Iraq War. During the Democratic primary most people said they voted for him for no other reason than him being "electable". In exit polls 80% of the people who voted for Kerry said they were going on what they had seen on TV, 20% had actually researched all of the candidates. It was the opposite for Dean, 80% of the people who had voted for Howard Dean had researched all of the candidates. He was not a "flip-flopper", he never changed his mind on an issue, but on many issues he was deliberately vague. Contrary to Republican propaganda he did have one consistent position on Iraq.

Even though Kerry was such a poor candidate, Bush won with the smallest margin of victory for a sitting president in U.S. history. Bush received 2.5% more than Kerry; the closest previous margin won by a sitting President was 3.2% for Woodrow Wilson in 1916.
I'm sick of the Democratic Party nominating conservative Democrats, it's time to have a real liberal like Dennis Kucinich run for President. I will admit that Kerry was slightly better than Clinton or Gore.
by juan gomez June 16, 2005
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A moderate Democratic Senator, different ranking methods rate him between the 12th and 22nd most liberal Senator, he is in the center of the Democratic Party. Voted for the Iraq War. During the Democratic primary most people said they voted for him for no other reason than him being "electable". In exit polls 80% of the people who voted for Kerry said they were going on what they had seen on TV, 20% had actually researched all of the candidates. It was the opposite for Dean, 80% of the people who had voted for Howard Dean had researched all of the candidates. He was not a "flip-flopper", he never changed his mind on an issue, but on many issues he was deliberately vague. Contrary to Republican propaganda he did have one consistent position on Iraq.

Even though Kerry was such a poor candidate, Bush won with the smallest margin of victory for a sitting president in U.S. history. Bush received 2.5% more than Kerry; the closest previous margin won by a sitting President was 3.2% for Woodrow Wilson in 1916.
I'm sick of the Democratic Party nominating conservative Democrats, it's time to have a real liberal like Dennis Kucinich run for President. I will admit that Kerry was slightly better than Clinton or Gore.
by j05h May 15, 2005
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