Sophia jobes a light skin badass that does what she wants sometimes her bff is dark skin and moved away soph is her nickname
by Madonna Lina massaw September 19, 2017
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A funny man who always seems to be pingy all the time
You see that dirty jobe over there, he's a funny man
by Dan McCourt April 15, 2020
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when your best friend sticks your tooth brush up their butt and then dosnt tell you .
(gigggle giggle) Nikki: "whats so funny "
Hahnnah: "she rim jobed your tooth brush lol)
(histaricall laughing)
yup "rim jobing a tooth brush"= best prank ever
by assberry December 31, 2011
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There is many ways of describing love but this is another true way of living your life with your love. These two hand and hand, but come on we know that the Zoe’s love the jobes more
Oh ZLJM Zoe loving jobe more!!! YOURE SO IMPORTANT
by MagicMoon___ February 7, 2023
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Who is Jobe?
Jobe Jobe is an unidentified man who invented the universe. It is sin to ask anymore of his origin unless you pay 200 bucks up front. Otherwise, you need not know. Only our commandments.

Children of the Jobe Jobe cult are called Big Bois. My bestie and I are the high priestesses of the Jobe Jobe chapel. Chapels vary in what they practice depending on the country. Such are those who believe in the South American Jobe or Soviet Jobe, and others. There are many which come in varieties like Jolly Ranchers. Kinda like ppl who believe in black Jesus and stuff. Those cultures might have a different view on Jobe, but we all share the same fundamentals and commandments. That is, Jobe Jobe is our one a true god. Jobe Jobe created us and all of existence. And Jobe Jobe invented the wet fart for the pleasure of us using it to bully 6th graders. Amen.

Jobe, some random fucking kid, has no idea some diarrhea dribbling piss kink idiots made a cult over himself nd worshipped him for years. We're dumb and proud.
"I'm an atheist, what are you?"

"I am a proud big boi, a lover of Jobe Jobe (praise be). He is my one true lord and savior. Gosh bless, brother."
by JobeJobe4eva May 12, 2021
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When you are bought out of the company that you started / helped start.
I just got Steve Jobed out of my company today.
by Darkon007 March 22, 2018
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