A youtuber who has reached over 4 million subscribers as the time of writing this. He makes unboxing videos (bad unboxing), exposing videos( content cop), and even food reviews (legit food reviews). He is also known for the memes such as " what are you fucking gay? I'm Gay! I have crippling depression. I have osteoporosis!".
Man i love IDubbbz TV!
by Millenidumb March 16, 2017
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The biggest cod map in the world yet many people say that his hairline is receding
His has an Idubbbz forehead
by GabexPwnd November 28, 2016
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One who is so obsessed that they adopt his humor style to a whole new level. They act like "comedic release" is something everyone should care about, and go on rants about things that iDubbbz himself would tell them to kill themselves if he heard them. They feel that exactly replicating his humor style will make them "funny", so they judge anything that moves. Can be associated with the words "prepubescent, fag, squeaker, bitch". This is not directed at someone who uses iDubbbz humor, just if you live by it. Takes "hypo" from "Hypocritical" to a whole new level.
Michael (iDubbbz Enthusiast): "Justify yourself, bitch. Why were you talking about TF2? That game is more cancerous than you. Kill yourself, faggot."
iDubbbz: "What is this little piece of shit, kill yourself before your peers do it"
by MemesNotMorons February 9, 2017
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A YouTube piece of fucking cancer shit.

Also a hypocrite.
Person: Did you hear the Pokémon Go Song?

Friend: Yeah, it was cancer amiright?

Person: The person who made it was such an Idubbbz.
by LeafyIsNotHere November 25, 2018
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Idubbbz a popular youtuber aka Nigger Faggot and Gay Retard famous for his Content Cop CHONTENT CHOPm KIckstarter Crap and Bad unboxings also ending this fucking whore thot tana mongeese
by DerpyDiction1 July 19, 2018
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