A girl who thinks it's cute/attractive to be a slut.
A girl that's "been around the block" a lot of times.
Usually a girl that is ghetto
That hood rat Cherqueda is coming over here
by IM MS.SUNSHINE GIRL July 10, 2009
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usually means young kids who are usually from poorer backgrounds who roll in groups, all dress like lil ganstas, and generally annoy people. usually found at arcades, bus depots, or malls.
guy 1: hey wanna go to the mall?
guy 2: hell nah, too many hood rats down there!
by physiKARL August 9, 2005
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A small town or urban kid that's got nothing better to do than fuck shit up.
Let's go do some hood rat shit.
Tyrone blew up 3 mailboxes and stole a sign all in one night, He's a real hood rat.
by KMUNNY March 3, 2015
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Girl who gives it up for nothing to all the boys in the hood. Often seen buffing the hoods of cars while having sex in inapropriate locations.
The hood of my car looks pretty nice, I should thank that Hood Rat.
by omega123180 February 27, 2010
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Lazy teenagers who spend all their time riding around in cars or hanging out on the hoods of cars. Often unemployed, bumming rides off their friends.
God, that guy's such a hood rat. Doesn't he do anything except drive around?
by TidyMonster June 20, 2010
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Noun: 1)A derogatory title for someone born and/or raised in a low class neighborhood that may or may not have lived on government assistance most or all of their life; or is depended on illegal means in order to provide for themselves and their family. 2)A person born to a promiscuous parent and/or a parent frequently jailed or imprisoned.
ADJ: Behavior as such above.
"Your man is a Hood Rat."

"Your girl is a Hood Rat."

"You are acting like a Hood Rat."
by LostinGA January 26, 2008
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a ghetto chick from 'the hood' who is a hoe
Josh: She is so ghetto!
Sam: Ikr. I really hate that hood rat.
by tholomew.plague May 26, 2010
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