1. (noun) A person that has "big hair"

2. (adjective) To relate another part of a persons body to a Herman (big hair)
1. Woah look at his hair, a definite Herman

2. Sorry, you have herman nose
by Raoul D 1 January 9, 2006
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Another name for Herman 'whole Hogg' DoGG who forms 50 percent of the band The lickadickadays.
RTJ: You guys ready for the hermanator?
by rtj loco January 3, 2004
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A herman is a creature that climbs over rooftops in Finnmark, he also loves his Tacos on the roof, not only does he climb all over the place, he also flies wherever he wants.
Is it a plane, is it a bird?
No, it's herman
by Hermynator123 February 4, 2016
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To have a false fact be made about you.
John: Hey you see Jake over there, his real name is Corey, what a twat huh?
Ralph: Really? I never knew that.

-the day after-
Ralph: Hey whats up Corey!
Jake: What, are you talking to me? Did John tell you my name was Corey too?
Ralph: Yeah, I guess you got hermaned yesterday.
by Jebise October 16, 2006
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Coming in at 1:30 and taking a half hour lunch.
Not doing work because can't do side to side or over head motions with arm.
What is he/she doing? Isn't he/she on the clock? Well, he/she is pulling a Herman.
by Dizzle Dana January 18, 2008
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The definitional word you use to describe a human being you see, and cannot distinguish if they are of the male or female gender.
Person 1: Hey, is that a guy or a girl?
Person 2: I'm not sure, it looks like both
Person 1: Well, it's hard to tell with the hair, and those could just be man boobs
Person 2: Let's just call it a Herman, okay?
by dietcola July 10, 2009
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An Vaudeville entertainer practicing the craft of Hermantry, usually targeted towards the entertainment of children. Hermans are known to wear bright yellow suits, black crew neck shirts, pale yellow body paint, a tight crew cut, and usually have floppy ears. They keep no teeth in sight preferring to be seen with their true yellow colors. Hermans are usually solitary peopl as the craft requires great devotion.
"How did you come to the craft of Hermantry?"

"It came to me in my sleep one day. I just knew it was my calling. And here I am, 50 years later, unmarried, floppy ears, havent seen my teeth since 2010, but no regrets... I brought a lot of joy."
"You certainly were a great Herman, the last of a dying breed."
by The chocolate couch March 15, 2010
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