Pronounciation: (Ha - frik- an)
A slang term for having one parent that was born in africa. Basically, being half-african. This term has absolutely nothing to do with skin color, only place of birth.
Example: "I have a friend that is halfrican. His parent's parents were missionaries in Africa."
by One_less_fool February 19, 2010
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A human being originated from Halfrica. Half and Half, Oreo... etc...
OH shit. Marcus we have to go back to Halfrica before the whites take down KFC...

Halfricans may talk oddly.
by PLLPLPPLLPPL July 4, 2012
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a man who is half black and half white but still gets to say "nigger" and get away with it and still say the word "cracker" like the fuckin retard isnt half of both. a walking contradiction in society.
Example 1 "that halfrican just called me a cracker, i should shoot that fucker"

Example 2 "that halfrican just called me a nigger, i should shoot that fucker"
by hadhgsjdghd July 24, 2009
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A person of mixed race who is half black and half white.
Shit, Man, my mom is white. I ain't no nigga, I'm a Halfrican!
by ZeeGirls August 17, 2009
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A person that is only half African American, but the ignorant public views them as 100% African American. Normally this is a person with one white parent and one African American parent.
Tom: Barack Obama is the first African American president.

Bill: Don't be so ignorant, Obama is Halfrican American.
by mje006 June 13, 2010
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A person that is half african american and half something else, the other race doesnt matter.
Dude, I thought John was Puerto Rican or something but it turns out hes Halfrican American!
by WillgoNW June 15, 2009
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Someone of mixed African American descent. As in African American/White Or African American/Asian.
Barack Obama is our first Halfrican American president.
by TimD8866 March 26, 2009
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