Another name for a newbie who can't play TFC, gets killed a lot and cries about it
by Anonymous October 16, 2003
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Seven Figure Gibber is the Nick name/Alias for Youtuber/Boxer AnEsonGib
Coming to the stage from the United Kingdom, the Seven Figure Gibber, the Beast from the East, AnEsonGib -Fousey
by Jerk God89 August 24, 2021
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To have a lose and profound mouth when not spoken to.
I hate it when u drink and get gibber jawed in angry conversations.
by Deehail911 February 18, 2017
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A lookalike - A term when someone looks identical to someone else and you have to do a double take.
Person 1: "Is that h gibbers"
Person 2: "No thats just Hugh"
by user12345363 September 26, 2021
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To speak forcefully and argumentatively while only spouting gibberish.
Here the congressman gibberates, gets his panties in a bunch, says talking to Secretary of Health and Human Services is like talking to South Korea (ROK).
by SemiFrost3 December 12, 2013
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To talk randomly, like "ghjhgfjvg vgfdhb gfvjgvnj kfjdgvgvmfdv vjgndfkvh", speaking gibberish.
Person 1: Vhjgvjhngjfgjf jhfbgfmc vgfknf vdfkjvn fgjfgjf!
Person 2: Why do you gibber so much?!
by URB4N D1C710N4RY March 25, 2021
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