adjective and noun: an homosexual man who is originally and/or ethnically from an Asian country. This term is mainly used in a jokey, not offensive way, especially by gay men.
-Tom is not attractive to Caucasians like himself, he's definitely into gaysians.

-Look at Philip with his new gaysian boyfriend!
by MannyUK October 3, 2011
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My nabour is gaysian and he has a Mohawk
by Steve is crazy December 12, 2014
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Gay Aain
wow There is a Gaysian
by Randie Maddy January 14, 2012
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A gaysian is a slang term for a gay Asian. They have a slang term because in most Asian countries being gay is looked down upon or even considered a crime, meaning they are much rarer then gay people of other nationalities.
Dylan : My type is Gaysians
Arlo : No one cares that you are gay
by Kamikaze Devil Bitch July 23, 2020
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A person of asian descent who is also very obviously gay.
Evan: dude, that guy in the sequin jacket with the slanty eyes is obviously gay.

Charlie: Yeah, i look like a total gaysian.
by odillio July 23, 2010
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A Gaysian is a homosexual asian, usually applied to gay men, which are common in asian cultures
by Big pimpin April 29, 2005
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