It's a great issue now allowed in Spain. Come all queens and dikes to Spain!!
Manolo y Carlos now can get married in Spain.
by Sudata April 28, 2005
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1. You're born Gay you can't turn Gay so if lots of gay couples got married it would not change straight people at all

2. Theres too many people reproducing anyway in 50 years they'll be hardly room left on the planet

3. Its the love that counts

Cool Person: Fuck you bible basher
by EyeLoomer November 1, 2004
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I cannot belive all the assholes who say that gays marrying is wrong. Im not gay Im straight but i belive that gays should have every single right everyone else has. I mean america is supposed to be some great free country and look whats happening all over again. Discrimation against anyone for anything is wrong. Being against gay marrige would be like how america has discriminated against people so many times before and here we are in our day and age still doing it. Just because gay isnt a race or gender doesnt mean they can have their rights taken away.
by Whatever April 6, 2005
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The extension of certain essential rights--joint tax filing, hospital visitation rights, bereavement leave from work, to name a few--to mutually loving, consenting couples, regardless of sexual orientation.

Its legal ban is part of President George W. Bush's bid for the Bible Belt's vote in the 2004 election.
We shouldn't allow gay marriage because gay couples cannot reproduce! In fact, elderly couples can't reproduce either, so let's nullify their marriages! And while we're at it, let's ban sterile people from marrying too!
If we allow gay marriage, fairies will come from La-La Land and magically turn everyone in the United States gay, stopping us from reproducing! So ban gay marriage!
by Albie Wangsta March 27, 2004
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Something that should not be chosen leagal or non-legal by someone who is not even involved in gay marrige. There is no concrete reason to ban gay marriage. If you say it goes against the bible, go fuck yourself, not everyone belives in god nor should be forced 2 live their lives according to the bible. If you say "I think it wrong" go fuck yourself. If ur not the one getting married, get over it. And for all of you that say " well they don't produce kids" well you should thatnk us because the world is already over populated and well if everyone was straight we would have a crisis on our hands and we would have more pregnant teen girls. Anyways, it should not be the choice of some up tight republican president who's straight and has nothing to do with any of the marriages personally. I mean is it so bad to know that two more people in the world are happy?
President bush needs to pull that 12ft stick that he has up his ass out and legalize gay marriage
by mike94539 August 10, 2006
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Two members of the same sex marrying each other. All you straight men out there should be supporting this because it leaves more girls out there for us.
Jack: Hey Katie, do you have a boyfriend?
Katie: Not anymore, my boyfriend left me and had gay marriage instead.
Jack: I'm sorry, so do you want to go out to dinner tonight?
Katie: Sure!
by Zach_Zach February 8, 2009
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When two people of the same gender get married. Has been legal in most European countries for many years now. If it were legalized in the United States, whether you agree with it or not, it would put a lot of money into the economy. Many people would move into bigger houses or apartments, buy different/newer/bigger cars, and so on. At one time it was illegal for blacks and whites to marry in many places in the United States. Straight couples have already set an excellent example of marriage in the US, with two-thirds of marriages here ending in divorce. 'Sanctity'?
We must protect the sanctity of Britney Spears' 48-hour marriage and Mario "A.C. Slater" Lopez's two-week marriage and Nicky Hilton's 84-day marriage.

The Sanctity of Straight Marriage Math:

3 Rush Limbaugh
3 Jennifer Lopez
+2 Ronald Reagan
8 Elizabeth Taylor
by Ryan Thompson February 14, 2005
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