National Fuck Off day is on October 16th and it’s the national day where everyone needs to just fuck off so spread the word and put it in your calendars
Person *talks to me nonstop

Me: “bruh it’s national fuck off day so FUCK OFF!”
by Rtowse5 October 6, 2019
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April 30th is the day where you fuck off. Pretty self explanatory. This day is directed at the people who don’t fucking stop talking. Thank you for your time.
by Mtn Dew Hat April 29, 2018
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International fuck off day is on the 3rd of April.
Person 1: Hello
Person 2: Today is international fuck off day. Do you know what that means?
Person 1: What
Person 2: Fuck off
by Dafuckdoyouwant April 1, 2020
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A holiday occurring on September 3rd. On this day, people are free to maim and murder communists and anarchists as they please with no legal repercussions whatsoever. On top of this, outspoken communist or anarchist views/propaganda is illegal, and punishable by either life in prison, or death, depending on the severity.
Guys, it's International Fuck Communism Day! Whaddya say we go gut a marxist!?
by BurgerBurglar December 6, 2020
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