It's epic swag for fornite

Epic style

Not made by epic GAMES
Fortnut is danker than fortnite
by I'm gay 08 March 28, 2018
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Fortnut A Simple term of the many gods of this realm, stating it’s meaning fortnite battle royale, fortnut is a god not to be wreckened with, some people spread a rumour that kids steal parents credit cards to acquire this gods friendship, but we’ll never really know...
“Fortnut?, dude my parents said I should stay away from that lmao
by vJucii XBL December 14, 2018
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A challenge where you go through other people's stories on Snapchat and for every Fortnite win you see, you don't nut for a day for each win you see.
It's been 8 days and I'm still on the Fortnut challenge
by TheWizardKing March 16, 2018
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when you play to much fortnut you get this diseases (fortnut disease) it is a form of cancer, Ebola, sigma and blue waffle. please call 911 as soon as possible if you have this. 1% chance of living.
i have fortnut diseases.
by Beeeeefreind September 24, 2018
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That guy who comments on every video on YouTube saying “yOu CaN bE An Og SuB 2 Më!!!”
Oh, it’s that 10-year-old Fortnut Kid commenting on my video again.
by YahBoiGarry July 6, 2019
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