An exceedingly important, rare person in modern society. Known for his/her ability to rant about Nannas, Centerlink and the price of milk. Found mainly in the Illawarra and surrounding areas. Also, does a blindingly funny impersonation of MIKA.
"Yo! Dooz Berry Muffin - your views on my Grandmother are hiliarious. Let's go to the Pub and speak of ways to infiltrate the minds of pre-pubecent goats!"
by D-M3Lz0r July 28, 2008
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how are you doin, what are you up to
fooz ya dooz min (how are you doin mate)
by Quar April 23, 2006
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Making a compromise where the rules don't apply the same way for the people involved
- Hey, did you hear Jamie is seeing Tina ? Did he break up with Allie ?
- No they're still together. For Allie they're exclusive but for Jamie it's open, he just keeps it hidden. They dooze styled it.
by Haven.x1 March 20, 2022
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A certified avoider of alcoholic beveragés when away on boozy weekends with the lads/gals

Public refusal to sink Pîntõs infront a a crowd who all have sub 4 second bolts (20 second VK is mandatory)

A person who forces themselves to like the taste of Guinness, despite the fact it tastes like an ashtray mixed with puddle water.

A welsh pigéon.
Gillibrand et al were all certified Dooze Bodgers after Dublin 2016
by chuckstrellson February 9, 2016
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Also pronounced Doozled; The act of being so drunk that you may shit your pants or all together do stupid shit.
We got so doozed last night we all shoved a 48 pack of crayola crayons that were rubber banded together up our chocolate stars.
by Violin Titties February 19, 2011
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