Scumbag, Condom, Jimmy, rubber, protection.
Don't flush the dickbag down the toilet, it wreaks havoc on the septic system...
by GR March 19, 2003
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An asshole/roommate, possibly both, that does nothing and takes/uses all your stuff.
Nick Nelson does nothing around the house, smokes all my weed, and uses my shit without asking me. What a freeloading dickbag
by dalstrs7 November 3, 2014
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A Big Dick badass mother fucker. Sexy taste in clothes, watches, shoes, and vehicles. I would do anything for this man
Diet Dickbag: "check out my fancy watch"
Me: "dammmnnnnnn.... if i were a girl id let you play with my twat waffle because of that watch. No homo"
by Michael Ventavo III August 17, 2011
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Before I smash this chick, I need to go to the store cause I’m out of dickbags
by EBreezie June 11, 2018
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look at that dickbag over there in a squatted truck. i bet he has no family and eats tv dinners every night.

also fuck you jayden
by theaidsman1776 May 6, 2023
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A man who is just a full on asshole
Ashley: Oh I have a date with my man tonight
Brianna: That man is a Dickbag why you still with him
Ashley: For the money and food
by JJJJJJJJKKKKKKK June 29, 2019
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